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Core Values

ONE / We believe that we can find God, and can expect intimacy, communication, and companionship with Him in His Presence, if we share His love for righteousness. 

TWO / We are totally independent on Him for everything, and we need and expect miracles of all kinds to sustain us and confirm the Gospel in our ministry. 

THREE / We are zealous to remain pure to what God is saying to us though the Bible and also through our relationship with Him, not fearing the opinion of men, but to speak and share what He asks us to speak. 

FOUR / We do everything to bring glory to God the Father, and to lift the name of Jesus higher and higher.

FIVE / We believe in partnering with other ministries that share the same values and love for Jesus, to preach the Gospel and to establish His Kingdom on earth: food for the hungry, provisions for the poor, healing for the sick, deliverance for the oppressed, and life for the dying.

SIX / We believe that unity of the body of Christ is God’s heart for His children and we will do our part to partake in and promote that unity.


SEVEN / We are pro life, we celebrate and protect life. Because Jesus came to the world and sacrificed His life for us, that we might have life, eternally and in abundance.


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